End Pre-Crime

Data and content is being weaponised to criminalise people without cause fuelled by facial recognition technology, AI and surveillance.

What is Pre-Crime?

The police and criminal justice authorities are increasingly using tech, data and AI to identify people who they believe are at ‘risk’ of committing crimes. This results in people having action taken against them even though they haven’t committed a crime through joint enterprise.

Flawed technologies like facial recognition, police gang matrices, the data mining of social media and the Prevent programme undermine our presumption of innocence.

Biases embedded in these systems and ‘gang narratives’ that are used to build joint enterprise cases exacerbate discrimination that’s inherent in the criminal justice system already.

We urge transparency, scrutiny and a moratorium on the use of tech in policing that amplify systemic oppression.

AI and Predictive Policing

Online content is being mined and used as digital evidence to create gang narratives. Alongside extended criminal liability, the weaponisation of content and data is increasingly being used to imprison young Black people and people of colour for offences they have not commited.

Social media weaponisation

Police surveillance of young people and joint enterprise in the UK

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end racialised surveillance

Open letter to Andy Burnham to end discriminatory policing

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The Prevent Duty

Prevent operates in the pre-crime space in which no offence has taken place. It is one where people are surveilled and viewed as suspicious. Prevent operates by extracting data and policing information that further securitises the spaces of marginalised and vulnerable communities.

Prevent and the pre-crime state

ORG’s report on how unaccountable data sharing is harming a generation

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Shawcross review of prevent

ORG’s response to the controversial Shawcross recommendations

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Mass surveillance

Live facial recognition and surveillance technology generates sensitive biometric data. Its previously disproportionate misidentifications among younger Black men in particular highlights the discriminatory nature of the technology.

FAcial recognition: no oversight, no consent

Wales cross-party group on surveillance and facial recognition technology in the UK

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Home Office CCTV: free mass surveillance?

Government programme to supply security equipment to faith institutions

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The case against police body-worn video cameras

How police surveillance technologies may enable police abuse of power

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Safety Not Surveillance


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The Story So Far

Home Office CCTV: free mass surveillance?

The Home Office has for several years run a programme to supply Mosques, temples and Synagogues with security equipment including CCTV cameras.
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The case against police body-worn video cameras

A new investigation by the BBC has revealed a shocking incident in which Thames Valley Police officers made “sickening” comments about a woman, filmed semi-naked with police body-worn video cameras.
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George Floyd’s Murder, Three Years On: Insitutional Racism Hardwired in Police Tech

Three years ago today, rumblings of a global reckoning on racial injustice took place that led many people to reconsider their own experiences and roles when it came to anti-Blackness and racial discrimination.
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Don’t use Beyonce to normalise live facial recognition

Its deployment is nothing more than our demise from democracy.
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What’s wrong with ‘gang’ surveillance in the UK?

Just over one year ago, ten young Black men were charged with conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to GBH in Greater Manchester.
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UK Facial Recognition – No Oversight, No Consent

On 3 February 2023, the Wales cross-party group on digital rights and democracy – for which Open Rights Group serves as the secretariat – held its fourth session on surveillance and facial recognition technology in the UK.
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Young people criminalised for content

It’s a modern-day reality that pretty much anyone can go online today and write what they want with some form of audience available to them – whether that’s Facebook friends, Twitter followers or readers of a personal blog.
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‘Prevent’ and the attack on free speech

A review of the government’s controversial Prevent duty has been a long time coming.
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More Information

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