ORGZine needs you!

The Open Rights Group campaigns when digital technology’s power to transform society – to bring greater democracy, transparency and new creative possibilities – comes under attack. Our issues and work are becoming more relevant to more people as technology becomes central to their lives. To reach out to as wide an audience as possible and build networks between all those interested in similar issues, no matter what part of the world they are based in, we’re lauching a new project.

To meet this need, the Open Rights Group is launching a new project: through the publication of high-quality, journalistic content, we hope to provide a place where all interested parties can come to learn about the current, global state of affairs, follow their development, and begin to understand how they were arrived at. We also hope that this project might provide a place where the disparate but related activist groups from throughout the world can discuss trends and events, as well as promote involvement in each other’s campaigns, helping to develop a greater sense of community. (This document defines in more detail what we hopeORGZine will become).

If this sounds like something you would like to get involved with, sign up to our mailing list and say hi – there is plenty of work to be done, so expect to be pointed in the direction of some work straight away!