Directors’ Election results

As Electoral Returning Officer, I would like to thank the candidates and everyone who voted in Open Rights Group’s first ever Board election, and also Francis Davey, Michael Holloway and David Gerard for helping with the election process.

ORG supporters voted to elect two Board members each for a two year term. 198 votes were cast. Votes were cast using a Single Transferable Vote, counted by the Meek method. Quota (the number of votes needed to elect a candidate) was therefore set for the first round at 66 votes.

First round votes were cast as follows:

Emma Byrne 85

Felix Cohen 14

Terence Eden 34

Neil McGovern 50

Christi Alice Scarborough 14

Re-Open Nominations 0

Spoilt 1

Emma Byrne was elected on the first round, with 85 votes.


Surplus votes were then redistributed between the candidates, and candidates eliminated, until a second candidate reached quota. Quota was 64.9 at the final stage. The final results were as follows:

Terence Eden 51.4

Neil McGovern 71.5

Re-Open Nominations 0.3

Spoilt / exhausted 6.2

Neil McGovern was duly elected with 71.5 votes.

Full results are available here (PDF).

A number of ORG supporters were unfortunately unable to vote in this election, because ballot papers were sent to addresses from which they had moved. We clearly needed to do much more to make sure that everyone’s records were as up to date as possible. We deeply regret that anyone lost their chance to vote, and will make sure that, over the next two years, we endeavour to make sure our records are as up to date as possible.

We wish ORG’s new Directors all success in their new role.