Take action: Call out Cameron on online censorship

David Cameron wants your ISP to push you into switching on web filters. These proposals are incredibly dangerous. Cameron should drop them immediately.

David Cameron Stop Default Internet Filtering

ORG’s been spending a lot of time speaking to the media to make sure Cameron and the pro-blocking lobby don’t go unchallenged.

But we need another way of putting some pressure on and letting him know how many people think his plans are mistaken.

Tell David Cameron to drop his plans to turn on adult filters by default. Sign our petition to him now!

The Government should help people make informed choices about what sorts of websites their household can visit.


Introducing adult filters as default is not an effective way to help make children safe and will cause huge issues that Cameron can’t just dismiss as teething problems.

“Set it and forget it” is the wrong message to send to parents. It risks giving people a false sense of security. Just because ISPs block adult content, children are not automatically safe. Content that you might want to block will still get through. And filters won’t stop sexting, bullying or stalking on the Internet.

Instead of trying to make decisions for parents, the Government should give them better support. Help parents to actively decide which sites to make more difficult for their children to visit. Concentrate on encouraging them to talk to their children about their online and offline activity.

Let David Cameron know his plans aren’t the answer to keeping children safe. Sign the petition now.

We’ve seen mobile operators apply parental controls with terrible results. When ISPs use adult filters, they block sites by mistake. Lots of people need to be able to access educational material on sexual health and sexuality. But adult filters can miscategorise this sort of advice as pornography and stop people of all ages finding crucial advice.

David Cameron’s wrong to put people’s access to crucial information at risk. Please sign the petition to tell him you’re against his plans.

David Cameron mentions adult filtering and stopping child abuse in the same breath. But accessing adult content is legal. Accessing illegal content is clearly a crime and should be treated completely differently.

So creating a register of people who want to access adult content or just want unfiltered Internet access brings serious and unjustified privacy issues. How will people on this register be treated? Who will have access to these databases? Will it be secure? The Government needs to address these questions.

Adult filtering affects everyone, not just children or families. So after you’ve signed the petition, can you share the link with your friends, family and followers?

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