ORG has new threads

You might notice a few changes to the website today. We’ve been busy shuffling things around, trying to help it serve the thousands of different people (35,000 this month) who visit the site. This includes adding a dedicated press page linked to from the main menu, and developing a set of pages which attempt to explain to newcomers why particular issues get us going. We’ve also added pages for people who want to get more involved with ORG and it’s day-to-day activities, and updated the sidebar with links to our Flickr photo pool, our Upcoming feed and the ORG shop.

Thanks to Ben for the inspiration, to Mike, Sheila, Richard, Ryan, Lemon, Adam and Chris for making it happen, thanks to Michael for nagging everyone until it did, and thanks to Harry, Suw and Rachel for early feedback. We’ll probably have missed something, so if you spot any bugs or broken links, please drop a comment below or email info [AT] openrightsgroup [DOT] org to let us know.