Personal Internet Security

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has established a Sub-Committee, under the Chairmanship of the Lord Broers, to examine Personal Internet Security in the UK. A call for evidence and a press release were issued today.

Areas the Committee will consider include:

  • What is the nature of the security threat to private individuals and what is the scale of the problem?

  • How well do the public understand the nature of the threat they face?

  • What can be done to provide greater personal internet security?

  • How much does this depend on software and hardware manufacturers?

  • Is the regulatory framework for internet services adequate?

  • How well equipped is Government to combat cyber crime?

  • Is the legislative framework in UK criminal law adequate to meet this growing challenge?

If you would like participate but don’t feel like witting a full response by your self, ORG has a wiki page that we are encouraging people to edit Personal Internet Security Consultation.