Links for 8 Oct 05

Time to clear out my browser and pass on a few URLs: Your Right To Know: Why we must cut the costly Crown copyright – Heather Brooke from The Times on why Crown copyright has just got to go. FT.Com: James Boyle More rights are wrong for webcasters – The Broadcasting and Webcasting Treaty is going to be a disaster for pretty much everyone, and has been drafted without any regard for the facts. Bill Thompson: Extending Copyright Term RSA Seminar – Bill blogs about the Lessig vs. the Industry seminar I also went to. New Statesment: Capitalising on Creativity – write up of a round-table discussion held by the Smith Institute about ‘how Britain might capitalise on its creativity’ (free downloadable PDF). Don’t expect any dissenting voices. Virtual Rights Institute Annual Digital Identity & Human Rights Symposium in Costa Rica, 18 Nov. How I wish I had the budget… Wikipedia: Data Retention – good piece on Wikipedia about data retention, with sections that focus on the UK. Information Today: Open Content Alliance rises to the challenge of Google Print – Brewster Kahle and a bunch of others take up the Google Print baton and start scanning everything they can get their hands on. ZDnet: Tsunami appeal site ‘hacker’ found guilty – disgraceful conviction of Daniel Cuthbert simply for typing ../../../ into his browser to see if a site was phishing or not. Not good.