Home taping is killing music

Dan Bull’s latest from Dontdisconnect.us – great video – tell your friends, and take action now!

Take action: tell your MP they must debate disconnection

Panorama will blow the debate open this evening – as Parliament shuts it down

This evening, Panorama is telling an unknowing public about disconnection. For many people, this is the first they will have heard about it – aside from reading the TV schedules today.

Then, when the Bill is first debated by MPs, they will shut democratic discussion down – after about two hours of debate.

So our elected MPs will have spent a whole two hours on this Bill – before they disappear back to Constituencies to ask for our vote.

Meanwhile, a ‘Rump Parliament’, made up of retiring MPs, and party whips, will pass disconnection measures – with no actual debate.

That’s what our right to freedom of speech, education and work means to our government, compared to copyright laws promoted by music industry bosses.

Please demand that these controversial measures are debated. Write to your MP – or better still phone them up, and ask why the Bill is not going to be debated.

Tell your friends. And email to let us know.